Thursday, February 3, 2011

Information Map and Elkins Questions

Elkins Questions:

1. Why does Elkins choose to open a piece that is intended to open peoples' minds with a waking dream awash in paranoia and confusion?

2. Is the key to appreciating the extraordinary in the every day simply a matter of knowing what to look for?

3. Are we to believe that we also benefit from understanding the "badness" of the world that might be hidden right before our eyes? That is to say, are we better off because we can no longer romanticize the galloping of a horse because we now know the true nature of its movement?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It Begins at Last

Here we go, the official opening of the comic website. Nothing more than a placeholder now (I"ll be working on a new snazzy flash intro in the next week or so - keep your eyes peeled), but hopefully this indicates my level of commitment.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I Guess That's Why They Call Me the Working Man

I've been testing out a bunch of html coding and learning more about css and other web programming languages. It's kind of tough to be getting into the swing of things over the weekend - ironically I think I was more focused while in my Cato cubicle with nothing to do. But regardless, the music on the site is among the first baby steps I've taken to familiarize myself with web programming and content development. I've also been working with photoshop more closely and learning more about that as well.

Also - I purchased a web domain and hosting package with a two year contract term (it was pretty cheap - came out to $120 total for the entire time span) for As soon as I get through the verification process and whatnot I'll post up the first stuff related to the comic enterprise - that being a big image indicating that the site is under construction. But yeah, I'll be working on that more and more as the next few months pass. Then once I'm back home with a computer more suited to web development I'll be taking it to warp speed.

Still working on the band thing - got some riffs that could develop into something more. Until I'm more secure with my coding abilities, I'm not even going to touch the band site. In the meantime, enjoy whatever random tunes I put up here, and stay tuned for aesthetic updates to the blog as time passes.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Birthed in Cosmic Flames and Halos of Galactic Luminosity

So here it is - the first post ever. My purpose in creating this new blogspot is twofold: to mark, at least in my own mind, a turning point in my endeavour to more fully realize my dreams of comic book illustrating and shredding guitar in a rock band. To that end, the posts here will largely be crafted around letting the world (or more pointedly - that small band of people I call friends and acquaintances) know of updates regarding those aforementioned ventures. Although at some point I will get websites up focusing on the each of these undertakings, this blog will, for the near future, serve as the primary conduit of information regarding both and my thoughts and musings related to said efforts.

I'll also be customizing this site to suit my personal tastes and imagination soon. My time is stretched thin at the moment, but I'd hope to have this blog finalized by mid-late October. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

That having been said - stay tuned for future updates.